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School Projects

25 year old living in Dalarna, SwedenI live in an apartment together with my partner, dog and cat in a small town in southern Dalarna.
During my free time I play videogames, teach my dog tricks, ski downhill and stream on Twitch!
When streaming I usually play different games, but I also stream for Helpful Pixels, which is a non-profit organization that arrange streaming events for charity.I like to challenge myself with new tasks and always want to learn more about game development, management behind the scenes, hardware upgrades and software performance. Programming is also something I've found very fun and rewarding.

My socials

About me

Programs I've used to make games:

- Unreal Engine 4 & 5
- Unity
- Game Maker

Wireframing & prototyping:

- Figma
- Adobe XD
- React Native

Programming languages:

- Visual programming in C++
- C#
- Python
- JavaScript

Work experience

I've always been an active worker between school terms since I was 15 years old. After highschool with a degree in Animal Caretaking I now have:6 years Full-time Park and Property Manager (2018-currently)2 years of UX and game design studies (2021-2023)Personal Assistant, Ski Lift Worker and Store Seller experience (2017-2019)

As a developer

Currently I'm not specified in a single profession, but have knowledge in most areas of making games. I'm currently best at environmental design and more technical problem solving in the engines.
My dream position would be as a environmental designer or game designer with bits and pieces of programming and solving technical problems.

current dream

My dream is to become a full-time game developer hybrid or remote for a medium sized company that make games to be remembered for a long time. I want to live with my partner and animals in a small village close to nature.

My current favorite games

League Pal

Made October 2021

Mockup created by Device Frames

First app in figma

First solo prototype


Starting my education we had some classes about user experience design and early prototyping.
Following these classes we got an assignment to create our own app using Figma as the prototyping program. After brainstorming on what I would like to create, I decided on making an app for new and experienced league players alike to aid in live game build optimization and counter building according to your team's strengths and the enemy team's weaknesses.

More information

League Pal was an early idea to help inexperienced players build the most optimal items according to the current League of Legends patch, enemy team composition, your team composition and your matchup in lane.
All of this would always be accessible in your phone via a LIVE GAME page that connected to your account and updated accordingly to what is happening in-game.
Since this was our first ever prototype, I would have changed a lot of things in the app and done low-fidelity wireframing to make sure everyone knew where to click to get to the correct information.

after revisiting the app:

- Remove the white overlay, the app is way too bright from the get go
- Exchange all of the button designs for something that looks more like in the league client, with dark blue, gold and black colors.

Bouncy Bots

Made November 2021

Poster created by Janne Martikainen

First game project

Group project with other classes


Bouncy Bots is a 2-player co-op platformer about two bouncy robots that crash landed on an unknown planet. In order to regain contact with Earth they need to work together and find the missing pieces and a power source for their communication device.

About the project

Future Games each term creates teams between classes to create new games together. Bouncy Bots is one of these games created by my team of 7 over the course of 4 weeks.After brainstorming we settled on the main mechanic of bouncing on each other to jump higher, this mechanic is used through the entire game to complete the levels.We wanted a kid friendly game with a lot of colors and low-poly meshes to get that playful feeling.

My role

In this project I was the main level designer of the design team. Ebba created some great paper sketches for me to reference when creating the level in unity. Starting with greyboxing until we could move on with real meshes and environmental design.

Screenshots from my work

Hover over the pictures to get a short description

The team

Project Managers:
Marina Georgescu
Rafal Zygula
Game & UX Designers:
Ebba Bernbro
Michelle Brandt
Janne Martikainen
Malcolm Berglander
Moa Bergström

Programs used by me for this project

Game Engine:
Visual Studio 2019 C#
For Screenshots:
Very beutiful level designs:
Microsoft Paint


Made September to October 2022

Poster created by Fannie Ståhl

First unreal project

About the project

Witchy was our first project in year 2 at Future Games. To get more familiar with Unreal Engine 5 and Visual Programming as well as getting a better portfolio piece. However, things don't always turn out how you want them and this was definitely one of those moments.
I'm proud of what we accomplished, and I'm ready to deep dive into Unreal Engine 5 to create stunning things in the future as well as learn the more technical parts of the engine.
To see more about the project, check down below!

The story

In a harsh medieval world a young girl named Luna, who turns 16, notices a mark on her hand. She learns it's a witch mark and panics.
The kingdom openly hunts witches and they disappear forever.
She decides to run away before the hunters find out about her. But escaping the city is not a easy feat. Hunters lurk everywhere and the gates are always closed since the outside is considered dangerous with witches and monster lurking.
She stumbles upon a black street cat who suddenly talks to her and the story begins.

My role

I was the Head Level Designer along with Beatrice Vester as my Head Environmental Designer.To the left you see my initial sketches that later made it into the game itself with slight tweaking to make it feel better to the user.
After these sketches I proceeded to greyboxing the levels in UE5, which later on were decorated and polished by Beatrice.
Later on in the project I became the main visual programmer for the game.

Mid Development

After finishing the greyboxes for the levels, I took the responsibility of making the AI, Dialogue system and puzzles work.To the right you see some screenshots I took during development, unfortunately I cannot upload videos here, since those were my primary way of reporting progress. Feel free to contact me for videos though!I had never worked with AI in any engine before so it was an exciting new task! After watching some tutorials and understanding the way AI works better I managed to create
1. Wandering AI that will chase you on sight and
2. AI with working animations and basic attack with delay as well as AI behavior.
I learned a lot from this project purely mostly from Visual Programming and AI, the lacking part for me is UI still, which I intend to create on my free time! Check out "Quick Solo Projects" on the front page to see updates!

Quick videos of my work

Doors and lever connected by number.

AI Perception and Detection, as well as roaming randomly.

Interraction with Baskar the talking cat.

Early development of AI attacks.

Death state of frogs, a bit buggy.

Some more AI behavior.

Screenshots from the project by the team

The Team Roles

Head Level Designer:
Michelle Brandt
Head Environmental Designer:
Beatrice Vester
Head UI Designer:
Fannie Ståhl
Head UX Designer:
Elin Marjamäki

Programs used by me for this project

Game Engine:
Unreal Engine 5
Visual Programming in UE5
For Screenshots:
Level Sketches:

Links to the rest of our Witchy team!

Environmental, Narrative and Level Designer

Lighting, User interface and user experience designer

Heads up display, user interface and menu designer

Animal Treasure Quest

Made June 2022

Mockup created by Device Frames

Second game project


Animal Treasure Quest was our second game project along with other classes, this time we were tasked by a 3rd party company to create a family friendly prototype decided by the 3rd party company.My team was tasked to create a top-down, puzzle platformer for 2-4 players. The primary focus being the cooperation mechanics to solve the puzzles.

About the project

This project was requested by Game Boost along with our school, creating the project during a 6 week period required a great baseline and plan to not crunch in the end.To ensure we got some real life experience of how a real game company would look like, we had our own HR team, project coordinators and company representatives. Although we as game designers didn't talk that much with the corporation, we had our project managers that kept the contact with the higher ups.To see more about the workflow and my part, check down below!

My role

In Animal Treasure Quest I was one of the 4 game & ux designers working closely together with our 2 programmers and 2 project managers.
To the right you see the level design of the 3 different levels sooner merged into 1 big level sketched out by me. The small square with a sphere on top is supposed to resemble a statue that you have to place on the pillars close to the door to open them. All of these puzzles can be solved by 2-4 people but never alone.
Making sure I thought of height and space being the problem in the levels, you'd have to throw your teammate to reach the other side or on top of the platforms.One of my other focuses in the project also happened to be updating the GDD, you'll find the link under the first picture up top. Trying to keep up with all the different changes as well as developing turned out to be a difficult task. But I tried my best to keep up with all our progress nonetheless!

Mid Development

After the GDD was set up and the plan was good to go, I wanted to focus on creating the UI assets for the game. This however didn't go far, for the corp wanted us to focus less on HUD and more on the prototype.This created a very confusing state of the team, since the corp wanted some kind of tutorial or control scheme, but not any UI... We however had to fix this problem through quick solutions and put in a quick control map in the beginning as well as a small tutorial picture on the first big jump.Sadly I didn't get to focus on the UI as I wanted, and put my effort into Level 3 environmental design, polish and programming the control map into the first part of the game.This is when the team realized we had different visions for the end product than what the corp wanted, miscommunication being the problem. I, however, learned that this is why we need close communication with the higher-ups even as a worker. If I don't understand how they vision the project outcome, we won't know how to create their game.Instead of creating high fidelity assets, I had to settle with a low fidelity menu. Everything in the menu is functional and will change the game settings.I had a blast creating the environment, but would've liked more experience with menus, HUDs and in game UI.

Final product

The last parts of the projects were very stressful, some bugs and collision problems had to be fixed as well as checking that the build worked properly.
I am very happy with the work I put into this project, I wish as I said before that I had worked more with high fidelity menus, HUD and UI, but I'm looking into that on my free time instead!
Sadly I have lost the trailer to the project, but Janne Martikainen has it in his portfolio if you want to check it out! I also have more gifs to share if interested.
To the right you see our progress as level designers, we were always working closely together and updating each other on the direction we wanted. Janne Martikainen was the lead of Level Design and Greyboxing. All Game & UX designers worked on individual parts to put the final assets, visuals and gameplay together.

The team

Project Managers:
Peter Teidahl
Ragnar Ark
Game & UX Designers:
Felix Borg
Michelle Brandt
Janne Martikainen
Pontus Sundkvist
Erik Carlsson

Programs used by me for this project

Game Engine:
Visual Studios 2019 C#
For Screenshots:
Level Sketches:

Links to portfolios!

Level designer and game tester

Level and concept designer, Illustrator and trailer creator

Smaller projects

Mockup created by Device Frames

Solo prototype -
Pure Fidget

Made December 2021


Our first smaller prototype where low fidelity wireframing was the main thing to focus on.
Pure Fidget was my take on trying to get fidget toys accessible wherever you are.
It would never replace a real fidget toy, but would be a good backup for the child with sensory needs.

group rapid prototype -
Hot gamer grill

Made February 2022


Hot Gamer Grill was a group project for our Rapid Prototyping course. Hot Gamer Grill would be a mobile restaurant that traveled to conventions to sell food to the convention attendants and guests. You could easily order a meal by first scanning the table number (so the staff can serve you) or getting it at the front desk when the food is done!
My main part was to create the menu selection. We had a week to make this prototype from scratch.

Mockup created by Device Frames

Mockup created by Device Frames

Game Engine:
Visual Studios 2019 C#
For Screenshots:

1 week gamejam -
Icy as pie

Made April 2022


Icy as Pie was a 1 week gamejam project to learn the endless runner plugin for Unity. You play as a small cube penguin that collect fish and avoid obstacles.
My part was mainly programming in C#, so everything that isn't spawning selected tracks at random I programmed. Since I previously had programmed a little bit and the other team members had other preferences in what they wanted to focus on. I learned a lot in this project and had a lot of fun with programming, wanting to program more in the future!

Screenshot of my first Environmental Project

Game Engine:
Unreal Engine 5
For Screenshots:

Realistic environment

Made October 2022


My idea with these small projects was to get more experience with Unreal Engine 5 as I felt lacking in that area as a game designer. Having only worked with pre-made low poly assets in Unity. As well as never working with lighting or modifying material colors.Down below you will find some quick projects of realistic environment I've made since October 2022.


( Currently a work in progress )

Create Your Date

Made November 2022

Dating app game


We got tasked to make a dating app game or feature by our school. The project lasted for 3 weeks from start to finish, low-fidelity to high-fidelity.
After submitting our final version of the app, programmer students will take over the actual production of the game. A key point in this project being documentation and explanation.
For this project, me and Elin worked together to design "Create Your Date" while Beatrice and Joakim, that were in the same team, worked on their own separate projects while keeping the same aesthetics and design.

Mockup created by Device Frames


As with all projects after brainstorming, low-fidelity wireframing was our first start on the actual prototype. Getting a feel on how everything would work together before the design comes in is crucial for the game to make sense to the user. It also efficient since changes are quick in this stage instead of wasting time and resources in a frame that might not fit in the end.


After the initial idea was greenlighted by our mentors, we started to play around more in Figma with the final design in mind, always keeping track of the rest of the group's progress to help the others too if needed!After we found our style and checked up with the group, we continued on to coloring and prototyping, final version will be displayed below!

Create your date showcase

Video showcase made by Elin

Group Mingle & People bingo

Create your date

People Sphere